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  • Writer's pictureSt. John's Lutheran

Who In Your Life Has God Called You to "Deliver The Goods To?"

1 Corinthians 1:4-5 New International Version

Thanksgiving 4 I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. 5 For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge—

Thursday - September 15

Paul was set apart by God to preach the Gospel. At one point in his ministry he stayed in the city of Corinth. A group of people responded to the message of the Gospel and were baptized. Paul was just doing his job and God used him to “deliver the goods.” Instead of patting himself on the back for a job well done Paul gives “thanks to my God always for you” because of God’s grace. Paul understands that he cannot save anyone. That is God’s job! Paul’s job is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is the “delivery man.” Who in your life has God called you to “deliver the goods” to? Your children who need love, not judgment? Your spouse who needs encouragement, not another task to do. Your friend who needs empathy, not advice. Does anyone in your life need to know that Jesus forgives them and loves them?

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